Transcription vidéo
Je suis Carmen "Bouty Drop" Valentina,
se battant à Tampa, en Floride
Je pèse 70 kilos, 1,50 m.
Je suis Fluffy le Spartiate
J'ai 1,70 m, 80 kilos,
Je suis Carmen "Bouty Drop" Valentina,
se battant à Tampa, en Floride
Je pèse 70 kilos, 1,50 m.
Je suis Fluffy le Spartiate
J'ai 1,70 m, 80 kilos,
He remains passive in a fetal position trying (in vain) to prevent the mean naked woman from touching his pee-pee.
He got what he deserved: an 0-9 record and a good ass fucking!
What I do not understand is how his ass is tight if he gets pegged by women so often?
(And he probably receives the same "affection" in his personal life as well.)